Make a donation to the Black Hills Trails cause through Paypal on this page.
Use the following button to make a $100 donation.
Use the following button to make a $50 donation.
Use the following button to make a donation of a different amount.
You can mail donations to:
Black Hills Trails
P.O. Box 661
Sturgis, SD 57785
Black Hills Trails is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity, your contribution may be tax deductible, contact us for more information or to coordinate your significant contribution.
Your donation will be used to provide Black Hills Trails volunteers with the tools, equipment and training necessary to maintain and advance recreational trails throughout the Black Hills. It will supplement budgets at federal, state, and local levels to provide trail signage, maps and other accessibility information. It may also be used to compensate employees or sub-contractors for trail proposals, assessments, or mechanized trail construction and maintenance.