Many individuals participate in many forms of recreation on Lookout Mountain in Spearfish, with almost any venture onto the trail system there you will almost without a doubt have a friendly encounter with other hikers, cyclists or runners. A recent Spearfish City Council meeting has however brought to light that this type of use was perhaps not the intent when the City purchased the property on which Lookout sits, as an article in the Black Hills Pioneer explains (
Those that have experienced the existing trail system on Lookout will know that erosion has run rampant and that no small amount of resource damage is occurring. Recreational trail users of all types and conservation need not be mutually exclusive, the land, vegetation and wildlife would benefit from a more responsibly designed and maintained trail system on Lookout. An improved trail system would also bring many social benefits to the City.
This is your call-to-action. Live in Spearfish? Contact your council-person and express your support for the responsible ideas brought forth by the STAR committee. Don’t live in Spearfish? Spread the word to those who do.